Computer Crime Research Center


Cybercrime: Eleventh UN Crime Congress

Date: April 28, 2005
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: CCRC staff

More than 4,000 participants attended the 11th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held in Bangkok from 18-25 April.

The Congress organized six workshops, with the participation of intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and individual experts on:
-- Enhancing international law enforcement cooperation, including extradition measures;
-- Enhancing criminal justice reform, including restorative justice;
-- Strategies and best practices for crime prevention, in particular in relation to urban crime and youth at risk;
-- Measures to combat terrorism;
-- Measures to combat economic crime, including money-laundering; and
-- Measures to combat computer-related crime.

The CCRC director Dr. Vladimir Golubev took part in the 6th workshop on "Measures to combat computer-related crime". In his speech entitled "Problems of counteraction to cybercrime and cyberterrorism in Ukraine", he emphasized importance of fight against cybercrime and cyberterrorism and international cooperation in the given field.

Obtaining undoubted advantages in the use of information systems built on the basis of global computer networks, Ukraine gradually becomes more dependent on their proper functioning as well. This fact pushes us to elaborate new approaches to protect the interests of a personality, society and state in this sphere. The Concept (Bases of the State Policy) of the National Security of Ukraine determines threats to national security and interests of Ukraine; computer crime and cyber terrorism are among them.

The full speech can be reviewed here:
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2005-09-17 07:19:21 - Your site is realy very interesting! Gaby
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