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Children's department worker charged with porn offences

Date: October 23, 2004
Source: ABC News Online

A 47-year-old man working for the New South Wales Department of Community Services (DOCS) has been charged with possessing child pornography.

The department says the man worked in community services for 28 years.

His personnel file has been examined and it is understood he never worked in a child protection role.

Police executed a search warrant at the man's home in Sydney's west yesterday and charged him after images were allegedly found on his computer.

He was immediately suspended without pay and has since resigned.

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The department's director-general, Neil Shephard, says the matter is extremely distressing.

He says the images found had no connection with the man's DOCS work but says the fact that anyone working in child protection would access such material is abhorrent.

Mr Shephard says the employee would not have had stringent background checks because he had been with the department for almost three decades.

He says long-serving employees do not go through the same checks as new workers.

"For people who've been working without blemish, or without obvious blemish, for a very long period of time there is no way unless they do something or come to notice in some way that you're going to pick them up," he said.
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2006-07-15 20:19:45 - i think it should be legal to have sex... child lover
2004-11-01 17:19:35 - What are you talking about, cuddlesz.? It... calm down
2004-10-25 05:16:22 - This just down right STUPID!!! This man is... Cuddlez
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