Computer Crime Research Center


Protecting from hackers

Date: July 21, 2006
Source: TechWeb News
By: K.C. Jones

With 63 million American adults banking online and millions falling victim to identity theft, GuardID Systems, a San Mateo, Calif. startup, forecasts shipping 250,000 ID Vaults.

The company boasts a consumer security device that protects against phishing, pharming and keystroke logging. ID Vault, a single-function USB token, contains a smart card chip that stores user names and passwords for all online accounts.

Users can plug the "digital vault" into their PCs and click on icons for secured favorites. From there, they can choose the accounts they want to access. Pages loads automatically, saving the effort of launching browsers. The device sends encrypted data without requiring users to type access codes.

"You get used to the convenience and forget about how it's protecting you," GuardID Systems CEO Jerry Thompson said during an interview Tuesday.
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