Computer Crime Research Center


Child pornography: an international perspective

Date: August 02, 2004
Source: United Stated Embassy Stockholm
By: Margaret A Healy

... The Relationship Between Pornography and Extra-familial Child Sexual Abuse, THE POLICE CHIEF 58:2 (Feb. 1991).

Steve Best, Child Sexual Exploitation: The Customs Enforcement Role, New Zealand Customers Service (1995).

Ann Wolbert Burgess, Child Pornography and Sex Rings (1984).

Daniel S. Campagna and Donald L. Poffenberger, The Sexual Trafficking in Children: An Investigation of the Child Sex Trade (1988).

Sheila Davey, Children and Pornography: A Survey of the Protection of Minors Against Pornography, (International Catholic Child Bureau) (July 1988).

Howard A. Davidson &Gregory A. Loken, Child Pornography and Prostitution: Background and Legal Analysis (1987).

Final Report of the attorney General's Commission on Child Pornography (U.S.) (1986).

J. Robert Flores, et al.. (Symposium), First Amendment and the Media: Regulating Interactive Communications on the Information Superhighway, 5 Fordham Intellectual Property, Media &Entertainment Law Journal 294 (1995).

Graham Greenleaf, Law in Cyberspace, 70 Australian Law Journal 33 (Jan. 1996).

A. Nicholas Groth, Men Who Rape: The Psychology of the Offender (1979).

Her Majesty the Queen v. Paintings, Drawings and Photographic Slides of Paintings, Court File U219/94 (Canada) (1994).

Kenneth V. Lanning &Ann Wolbert Burgess, Child Pornography and Sex Rings, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 53:1 (1984).

Alfred O. Olsen, Investigations of Criminal Activity on Computer Bulletin Boards, Warwick Township Police Department, (U.S.) (1992).

Mimi Halper Silbert, The Effects on Juveniles of Being Used for Pornography and Prostitution 215 in Dolf Zillmann &Jennings Bryant (eds.), Pornography: Research Advances and Policy Considerations (1989).

R.P. (Toby) Tyler, The International Exploitation of Children: Child Pornography, Surete, Feb. 1985.


Georgiann G. Cerese, Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice

Shane Davie, Attache, Australian Customs Service

J. Robert Flores, Senior Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice

Romi Gyergyak, Second Secretary (Police Liaison), Australian Federal Police

Doris A. Hepler, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Syed Arshad Husain, MD., F.A.P.A., World Federation for Mental Health

Donald Huycke, Program Manager and Senior Special Agent, U.S. Customs Service

Kevin Ives, Detective Chief Inspector, Paedophilia Unit, New Scotland Yard

Barry Jay, PhD, World Federation for Mental Health

Deen Kaplan, Vice President of Public Policy, National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families

Richard E. Laczynski, Special Agent, INTERPOL

Kenneth V. Lanning, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI Academy

Stephan P. Lear, Postal Inspector, U.S. Postal Inspection Service

Laura J. Lederer, Centre on Speech, Equality and Harm, University of Minnesota

Marsha Liss, Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice

Alfred O. Olsen, Chief of Police, Warwick Township Police Department

Thomas F. Polhemus, Detective, Fairfax County Police Department

James Reynolds, Detective Chief Inspector, Paedophilia Unit, New Scotland Yard

Ruben D. Rodriguez, Senior Analyst, National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children

Terry Rudolph, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

R.P. (Toby) Tyler, Sheriff's Sergeant, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department

Marilyn Young, Senior Intelligence Officer, Canadian Customs
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