Cybercrime to threat the national security of Russia
Date: March 31, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
MOSCOW, March 29, Russian Information Agency "Novosti" - members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation spoke for speeding-up of development and introduction of home competitive products in the sphere of communication and information. "This problem is not a new one. But a threat to national security increases eventually owing to its pendency", - First Deputy Security Council Secretary Vladislav Sherstyuk said.
Having his say at the "Assurance of Information Security in Information Communication Networks" Conference, Vladislav Sherstyuk focused on the danger of using telecommunication networks with purpose of terrorism. This situation was also favoured by measures of the government to cut down the sphere of terrorists' activities, relative vulnerability of computer networks, increasing number of people that mastered computers and were ready to apply their knowledge with criminal intent, he said.
The systems of critical infrastructure might be exposed to an attack, he emphasized. The Security Council of the Russian Federation was working on the analysis of the security grade of the critical information systems, Vladislav Sherstyuk informed.
Besides he marked out the necessity of information resources' security assurance and their protection from illegal access. Cyber criminality was doubling annually in Russia, he reminded. Among these crimes he mentioned also fraud, dirty money laundering.
Vladislav Sherstyuk spoke also for taking economic measures in order to raise the share of domestic products, i.e. flexible innovation policy, tax system improvement, strengthening of copyright guarantees and introduction of dual-use products as a prior.