Computer Crime Research Center


Hacking is corporate

Date: May 30, 2007

Just so you know who the real thieves in this country are, please allow me to share an observation about a story the Morning Sentinel ran on page C7, May 24: "Former hacker now helps firms."

Kevin Mitnick, sentenced to two years for computer hacking, is now working for American corporations. When Mitnick was caught stealing from corporations, he was imprisoned.

Now that he is stealing for corporations he is rewarded, and, most probably, very well.

Make no mistake about it, hacking (the illegal taking of information through the computer) is as much a crime as burglary. If it wasn't, Mitnick would not have gone to jail.

The lesson learned from this story: Corporations have no problem with stealing, as long as the stealing isn't from them. Over the years, those same corporations have manipulated the law in their own favor.
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2007-05-31 17:46:49 - This is a clear statement about how safe... MaeseRalf
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