Computer Crime Research Center


Cyber terrorism - terrorism of future

Date: September 29, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Dmitri Kramarenko

As civilization more and more uses technologies, we should be sure that there is enough degree of control in order to protect those who use these technologies.

Electronic means represent some benefits for terrorists comparably with physical. With their help it is possible to act at a distance and anonymously, they are cheap and do not demand explosives or suicide missions. Such acts of terrorism probably become widely covered in mass media, as journalists and audience are take an interest in virtual assaults. One famous research of computer systems risks begins with passage "Tomorrow terrorist can do much more with computer than with bomb".

Arabian Electronic Jihad Team (AEJT) declared about its existence in the beginning of 2003 year and about their goal to conquer the Internet. They said they would destroy all Israeli and American web sites and also all other improper sites. In August 2003, an overall electricity break happened in USA, resulting in preliminary material damage of $ 2-6 billion. During investigation of this accident, new facts showed that fails in computer networks were the main reason for emergency accident. Blaster worm jammed communication channels between control centers on the day of cascade breakdown. In a result, time of data transfer significantly increased and personnel didn't manage to prevent breakdown development. And it is really difficult to say now whom to blame for this: Blaster or terrorist gang Abu-Nafsa Brigade.

These efforts are aimed at solving such problems as computer fraud, child porn in the Internet, electronic piracy, all forms of illegal access. These agreements will cover actions on provoking cyber war and using computer attacks as military weapons.
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