Computer Crime Research Center


Cops undergo cyber crime seminar

Date: April 29, 2008

MORE than a dozen police investigators from the different parts of the region have undergone a five-day Cyber Incident Response Course in Zamboanga city.

Zamboanga Peninsula Police Office (ZPPO) information officer Jose Bayani Gucela said, participants were taught on techniques on how to investigate cyber crime.

"The seminar is focus on how to deal with software, how to extract evidence and data without being altered, preserving the integrity of the evidence," Gucela said.

The Anti-terrorism Office of the Philippine Public Safety College in coordination with the Anti-terrorism Assistance Program of the US Department of States conceptualized the seminar.

Gucela said the seminar is important, as advances in technology have opened new challenges to the global fight against terrorists who might use the new technology in their attacks.

The seminar on April 21-26 was held at Camp Abendan that houses the ZPPO headquarters in Zambonga city.

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