Computer Crime and Cyber Terrorism focus of seminar
March 29, 2004
Computer Crime Research Center
Victor Sabadash
ZAPOROZHYE, Ukraine (CCRC) - The Third International Seminar "World Community Against Computer Crimes and Cyberterrorism" finished its work on March 26.
Valeri Savin, Rector of the Zaporozhye State University, Professor, Doctor of physical and mathematical science, addressed to all participants of a seminar with a welcome speech.
Having opened the seminar, Director of Computer Crime Research Center (CCRC) Vladimir Golubev, noted that hundred of thousands of unauthorized infringements with bank, military and corporate computer systems were detected year after year. According to most experts this phenomenon poses more serious danger than it did 5 years ago. Despite efforts of law enforcement and special services directed to fight computer crimes and cyber terrorism, the number of crimes and their social role is constantly increasing in the areas where information technologies are applied. A face of terrorism is changing under modern conditions as evidenced by appearance of so-called cyber terrorism. Therein, the law enforcement practice needs scientifically based recommendations on issues of preventing computer crimes and cyber terrorism in connection with the newly adopted Concept of National Security of Ukraine.

Vladimir Golubev marked out that national infrastructure is tightly bound with the global information network. Computer systems connected to the Internet are the core of the state infrastructure. They become convenient targets for cyberterrorists. First of all, terrorists are interested in the control systems of nuclear reactors, large storage areas of strategic raw materials (gas, oil), systems of water and electricity supply systems, traffic and communications centers, secret biological labs, chemical plants, Vladimir Golubev said. Terrorists have high tech capabilities and huge military potential at their disposal. Terrorists use computer technologies and the Internet along with traditional threats in order to teach their own extremist ideology and for waging information warfare. Cyber terrorism displays itself in interference with operation of computers, systems or networks, unauthorized data alteration that causes failures in work of key elements of the national infrastructure and also creates endanger people's lives, significant property damage or other socially dangerous after-effects.

Reports of other participants were devoted to the issues of international cooperation in fighting computer crimes: John Boles, Assistant Legal Attache of the United States Embassy in Ukraine; Alexander Bisyarin, Officer of the High Tech Crime Unit, Republic of Belarus. The participants also listened to an interesting and emotional speech on the issue in question by the Law Expert, Edward Ryzhkov, The Chairman of the Information Technology Criminal Investigation of Donetsk Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Edward Ryzhkov. Questions of counteraction to computer crimes, fighting cyber terrorism and criminal legal problems of information securities are the main directions of reports of the following researchers: Alexander Shugurov, post-graduate of the National Institute of Strategic Researches (NISR); Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Sevastopol National Technical University, Gennady Maklakov; legal adviser of the International consulting company "MKK", Elena Vlasova; lecturer of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Sergey Dremov and many other participants of the seminar.

A report "Child porn and pedophilia in the Internet" of the CCRC administrator Timofey Saytarly kindled a particular interest. In his report, he told about ways and methods of committing crimes against children in the Internet. He presented a situation in the world in the whole and in Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries in particular. By the example of work of the US and British special services on fighting against child porn in the Internet, he proposed to apply this system to the organization of work of homeland law enforcement in tracking and revealing online criminals. He emphasized the importance of international cooperation in this area.
As a summary of The Third International Seminar "World Community Against Computer Crimes and Cyberterrorism" we may say it was success. The participants of the seminar were unanimous to consider the problem of fighting computer crimes to be a complex one. Present laws should meet requirements set by the modern level of technologies development. Administration of justice should be accomplished irrespective of whether the crime was committed by traditional means or was it a computer-facilitated crime. To organize of cooperation, efforts coordination between law enforcement, special services, judicial system and their material technical support is the major task. None of the countries is able to counteract this crime on their own. International cooperation in this area and mechanisms of its legal regulation are critical.
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