Modern trends in the development of information technologies
Date: July 27, 2015Source: Computer Crime Research Center
The department of "Business Informatics" of the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics organizes
an international student scientific session "Modern trends in the development of information
technologies", which will be held on 15.10.2015. All students (bachelors and masters) with an
interest in the field of information and communication technologies are welcomed to participate.
The following main topics have been established:
1. Business Information Systems
2. Electronic Business
3. Cloud Computing
4. Information Security
5. IT in e-learning
For participation, it is necessary to prepare a report in Bulgarian, English or Russian language in a total volume of 3 to 6 pages, fulfilling the following requirements:
• Topic of the report - Bold 12 pt, centred, capital letters;
• Name, surname, email, degree, year of study, name of the university - Bold 12 pt, centred;
• Summary and keywords - Bold 12 pt, justified text;
• Main text - font - Times New Roman; Font Size - 12 pt; justified text; Page Setup -Margins: top 2.5 cm., Bottom 2.5 cm., Left 3.17 cm., Right 3.17 cm., Paper-A4; Layout-header 1.25 cm., Footer 1.25 cm., Line Spacing – Single;
• Citation footnote - 10 pt.
For the convenience of participants, a report template (template.docx) has been provided, adjusted to the requirements for participation.
The reports will be published in an electronic edition with ISBN, and the PDF file will be sent to each of the participants.
The file name of the report must be in the form Number_of_the_topic_Names_of_the_Author.doc
Send the report to the e-mail: [email protected] until 10.05.2015.
By the Organising Committee
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