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Calgarian guilty in child porn case

Date: April 26, 2008
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald

A Calgary man who was caught in an international child exploitation investigation in the United States last year has pleaded guilty to possession and distribution of child pornography.

Jason Cunningham, 29, admitted on Thursday that he had three movies and more than 150 still images of child pornography on the computer in his northeast home. All but eight images had been deleted, but police were able to recover the rest.

According to an agreed statement of facts entered as an exhibit by Crown prosecutor Jenny Rees, there were also 55,000 images on his computer of young girls posed in provocative positions wearing either underwear or bathing suits.

Cunningham was targeted after the Southern Alberta Integrated Child Exploitation Unit (ICE) received a package from a similar national group dealing with Internet-related child exploitation crimes.

The package received on March 8, 2007, outlined the probe initiated by the Department of Homeland Security in Illinois.

The department advised the national group that as a result of a search in Dixon Rankin, Ill., and a subsequent forensic examination, it was in possession of 51 Canadian Internet provider addresses that had been identified as having either uploaded or downloaded child pornography.

Cunningham admitted he used one of those addresses to upload 10 child pornography images and downloaded 14 images and two movies from the file server in Dixon Rankin on July 17, 2007.

Eleven of the images and two movies found in Cunningham's possession were of prepubescent girls involved in sex acts with adult males. Two others depicted a young girl displaying her genitals.

Rees and defence lawyer Graeme Loader will make their sentencing submissions to provincial court Judge Catherine Skene on July 15.
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