Computer Crime Research Center


Hackers and yoggies

Date: October 25, 2007

Computers have become virtual police states to cope with multiple threats from viruses, data and identity theft.

But as the capabilities of security software have grown, so has the amount of space and processing power they need to operate. The problem has been especially acute with laptop computers, exacerbated by the fact that business users on the road may no longer be under the protective umbrella of their corporate network's security firewalls.

Israeli entrepreneur Shlomo Touboul thinks he's come up with a solution, which he has dubbed Yoggie (

In simple terms, it literally removes the protective responsibility from the computer and assigns it to a palm-sized piece of hardware that plugs into the computer via a USB port.

With its own Intel processor running the open-source Linux operating system and a menu of third-party security programs, the Yoggie is supposed to keep Internet-based threats at bay before they even reach the computer.

"If you look at how corporations protect themselves ... you'll find that most of the security in the company will be based in a first line of defence, which is a physical firewall that physically separates the corporate computers from the Internet so people from the Internet cannot see the IP address from that computer," Touboul says from his Yoggie Security Systems office near Tel Aviv.
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