1S hacker sentenced
Date: April 25, 2005Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Russia -- Finally, a cracker of the 1S computer software products, Sergey Davydiyk, who is called "Sobol" or "Sable" in hacker circles, has sustained a conviction. He was given a 2 year suspended sentence after 6 months of hearings. Such cases are new to the court, probably due to this fact, the process was so long.
1S is a leading vendor of automated accounting and financial software solutions in the CIS countries. The most known product is "1S: Enterprise".
The Blagoveschensk regional court (Russia) should start hearings on the creation, utilization and distribution of malicious software criminal case. Police charges a local programmer Sergey Davydiuk, also known as hacker Sobol of the mentioned activity. The hearings were deferred.
Let us remind that in 1999 Sergey Davydiuk created a program emulating a 1S HASP hardware key, thus letting thousands of non-legitimate users to utilize the helpful accounting software. This HASP-key is used as a security means to protect licensed versions of the 1C accounting products. This device has a microchip with a secret code, it is connected to the computer. As the software is started, it requests the device and continues its work only having received the response from the key. The crack written by Sobol allows using 1C without this HASP-key. Free emulators have cut the volume of company’s sales. However, unlicensed use of 1S software has widely spread their products and has made it popular. New and new programmers learn how to create business-accounting solutions customised for clients.
The company’s officials confute the main argument of Sable's advocates, who say that original versions of the key have some lacks which are successfully removed by the emulator. Besides, 1S supporters stress on the economic damage: the enterprise and dealers receive less profits, pay less taxes and bonuses. Though 1S advocates failed to prove this very damage. Therefore, the count of violation of copyright or adjacent rights and distribution of malicious fell away. But how will the suitor prove the maliciousness of the emulator is still a question: there's no harm from it, the author didn't take money for its distribution.
However, Sergey Davydiyk resigned himself philosophically to the court decision as he wasn't jailed.

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2005-12-06 14:25:22 - asasaasdf mohammad |
2005-07-31 15:45:54 - sehr gut Saite. Was machen Sie mein... Hans Millard |
2005-04-29 22:11:32 - this is stupid no o unknown |
2005-04-29 22:11:31 - this is stupid no o unknown |
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