Computer Crime Research Center


Q&A: Cyber Crime's Chief Investigator

Date: April 23, 2008
By: Michael Desmond

Howard A. Schmidt has forgotten more about network and systems security than I will probably ever know. A pioneer in the area of computer forensics, he served for more than 30 years as an information security advisor to the FBI, the U.S. Air Force and the Bush administration after Sept. 11, 2001.

Recruited by Microsoft in the mid-'90s, Schmidt served as the company's first chief security officer and, in April 2001, helped launch the company's Trustworthy Computing initiative before leaving to become CSO of eBay in 2003.

Today, Schmidt is the president and CEO of R&H Security Consulting LLC. RDN Senior Editor Kathleen Richards caught up with Schmidt the week after the RSA Conference to find out where security in a Web 2.0 world is headed.

Here are a few excerpts from the conversation. You can read the entire account here.
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