Cyberpolice website is created
Date: March 23, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
A new scientific informational website "Computer crime and fighting against it" http://www.cyberpol.ru/ is created. The site consists of the following sections:
1. System of information security in Russia.
2. Information, informatization and information protection laws.
3. Computer crime concept and classification.
4. Anthology of computer crime in Russia.
5. All about computer criminals.
6. Units to fight computer crimes in Russia.
7. Concept and destination of "SORM" (system of operative search activities).
8. Library.
9. Forum.
It appears that the website contains a considerable amount of useful information on the given topic for young scientists and students. Section Anthology of computer crime in Russia is especially interesting since it gives statistics on violations by years and kinds. Only Russian version of the site is available at present yet.