What is the most dangerous cyber attack in 2010?
Date: February 23, 2010Source: Ecommerce Journal
According to recent data provided in the research by the security vendor Webroot 73% of the polled said Web-based threats are more difficult to manage than those coming via email.
23% of the respondents acknowledged their companies were vulnerable to attacks on web 2.0 applications including social utilities. With the explosion of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook in 2009, it’s no surprise cybercriminals have set their sights on these Web sites for new victims. Facebook now has over 400 million active users and Twitter has over six million — a sizeable pool of potential targets.
Another 24% confirmed that it was browser bugs that resulted in successful attacks. The research also shows that a quarter of companies were compromised by employees who accessed social networks from corporate computers. 32% said admitted staff downloading media had caused a security issue and 23% blamed personal webmail accounts for attacks.
Webroot reports that about 2/3 of IT professionals admitted their companies had been hit by virus attacks with 57% saying they had been affected by spyware. Meantime, 32% cited an SQL injection as a compromised security.
"Businesses of all size are waking up to the reality that threats lurk in new places on the web including web 2.0 sites," said Gerhard Eschelbeck, chief technology officer at Webroot.