Computer Crime Research Center


Crime ahead, turn right

Date: April 22, 2008

Honda is installing computer-ware in its new cars that warns motorists if they are moving into a high-crime area.
# New sat-nav warns of criminals ahead

It sounds like a mixed blessing: one can imagine the alarms on a shipment of new Hondas going off simultaneously halfway across the English Channel.

This crime-nav will also be worse than useless if it acts as inflexibly as satellite navigation systems.

To drive to the Oval for a cricket match would be hard if the crime-nav refused to be coaxed across any bridge over the Thames to south London, just as a trip to Old Trafford might mean a long detour round Moss Side.

An unintended consequence might even be that cars are broken into for the sake of their crime-nav.

In any case, many motorists' first enemy is the traffic warden. To avoid their vindictive raids is a skill beyond the most powerful computer.
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