Computer Crime Research Center


Cybersecurity 4 Terrorism

Date: December 21, 2004
Source: eMediaWire

Computers and networks essentially run the operations of most business in the country. Most computer systems, computer software and networks were not designed with security in mind. Even most “secure systems” are riddled with vulnerabilities due to the underlying technology that could enable an attacker to disrupt operations or cause damage. The cybersecurity efforts of Security 4 Terrorism ( ) will be highlighted on the World Business Review hosted by Alexander Haig on Tuesday December 21. 2004 on Bravo.

Many cybersecurity technologies that can be used to protect critical infrastructures from attack are currently available. In a few years there will be many more. Security takes more than technology, cyber security is not only a firewall. We can help your company or organization develop a cost effective, threat effective, cyber security plan: or

Hacking, worms, spyware, and cyber terrorism is a fact of using the computer. The basic problem is that computers were not designed with security in mind, and in reacting to this defect, cyberseucirty technologies so far on the market are addressing yesterday’s threat, not dealing with today’s new problem, and ignoring what might happen in the future. In order to really deal with the issue it is essential to look ahead to the problems not just react. Resources for policies and computer security:
The cybersecurity efforts of Security 4 Terrorism ( will be highlighted on the World Business Review hosted by Alexander Haig on Tuesday December 21. 2004 on Bravo. World Business Review is independently produced by Multi-Media Productions USA, Inc. and is distributed worldwide on CNBC as paid programming and on Bravo as paid programming.

Computing, as almost everyone knows, is essential in today’s world. Computers run the infrastructure that is critical to national defense, economic security, public health and safety. They are equally important in business, education, law enforcement, and every facet of life. In short they are everywhere. Yet unfortunately computers were not designed for security. The result has been the growth of hacking, computer crime, and cyber terrorism. The problem of how to prevent such terrorist acts in growing. In the short run, we can keep finding temporary solutions, in effect patching up the defects, but this system is expensive and not very effective because new methods are constantly being developed. What is needed is the designing of a system with security in mind as a first principle. Security 4 Terror can help you develop, install, and test effective computer and network security. Security Audits: or .

There are a wide variety of processes and products to help support cyber security such as firewalls, antivirus software, access controls (to prevent unauthorized users), and system integrity controls to avoid corruption by hackers or other malicious invaders. Internet Security Resources: Security technology products use systems to deal with viruses, security controls to ensure that a system and its data are not illicitly modified or corrupted by malicious invaders. It is also important to have audit and monitoring controls to respond to any threat to security. Security 4 Terrorism ( )can explain the programs and match the security products to your needs.
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