Computer Crime Research Center


Ukraine: an ordered through the Internet murder was prevented

Date: April 20, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

ZAPOROZHYE (CCRC) - Officers of the SSU (Security Service of Ukraine) prevented an ordered through Internet murder in Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine. This murder was allegedly ordered by a woman, citizen of the Netherlands.

A woman, her name is not published, in the late 2003 sent a proposal to commit a number of murders in Belgium and Holland to an e-mail of a Dnepropetrovsk resident, former special service officer, informed press service of the agency.

With purpose to clarify details of this planned crime, law enforcers conducted operative search actions and obtained some materials that will allow the disclosure of this woman: victims of the future crime, their photos and a detailed map of the location where they reside became known from the next e-mail of the "client". As it turned out, she ordered her former husband relatives in order to get an inheritance. The sum of the order amounted to 100 000 of euro.

According to information on the planned murder transited by the SSU in the Dnepropetrovsk region to Interpol, the resident of the Netherlands was arrested. During questioning she pleaded guilty to preparing a murder of her former husband's relatives.
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