Computer Crime Research Center


Security Incidents and Cyber-Crime

Date: November 19, 2004
Source: Kanzas City infoZine

The number of security incidents recorded in the third quarter of the year has risen sharply according to a study by VeriSign which also claims that the Internet is becoming increasingly hazardous.

InternetMadrid, Spain - This survey, which has also been reported by The Register, concludes that the number of security incidents between July and September 2004 increased 150 percent with respect to the same period last year.

The study by VeriSign also claims that the increase in the potential financial gains for criminals and a more sophisticated approach have made the Internet a more dangerous place. The firm has warned in particular of the increase in hybrid attacks, such as worms that use a range of techniques to compromise systems or those that use exploits to steal confidential information through secondary attacks.

The briefing is available (PDF).
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