Computer crimes fade into the background
Date: March 19, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Mechamisms and ways of computer crimes committing are specific and latent. According to FBI, from 85% to 97% of computer encroachment are not revealed. Other experts think that latency of computer crimes reached 80% in the US, 85% in the UK, 75% in Germany and more than 90% in Russia.
Less than 1% of computer crimes are brought to court in the West.
Among reasons of computer crimes latency first of all is unwilinngless of the victim (enterprise, authority, organiztion or individual) to inform law enforcement about criminal infringement against their computer systems. Causes for such actions may be different. Sometimes management of victim companies do not want to loose authority in business circles. As a result we have huge losses of clients, disclosure of protection system during the proceedings, revealing of illegal activity of these firms. Only 17% of interrogated companies approved their readiness to inform law enforcement about illegal access to their computer systems.
Examinations of various countries show that 2-3% growth in crimes lowers their disclosure by 1%. This, in turn, increases evasion of criminal liability.

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