Computer Crime Research Center


E-crime unit 'on track' despite funding delay

Date: June 18, 2008
Source: Т
By: Nick Heath

Plans for a national UK cybercrime policing unit remain on track despite the government stalling on funding, according to the Metropolitan Police Service's e-crime chief .

Detective superintendent Charlie McMurdie, one of the architects of the proposed Policing Central e-Crime Unit (PCEU), said regular talks are taking place between government, police bodies and industry about how to fund and run the unit.

Funding for PCEU has been slow to arrive, with the government still not committing to its £1.3m start-up costs, despite expectation that the money would be in place months ago.

It comes after Home Office minister Vernon Coaker told a House of Lords science and technology committee that the National Fraud Reporting Centre (NFRC) could take the lead on co-ordinating e-crime investigations nationwide.

But McMurdie said the government's vision for the NFRC does not undermine the need for the PCEU.

She said: "It is moving towards addressing the problem. The more intelligence we have on cybercrime and the more opportunities there are to report it, the better we will be able to put resources in the most appropriate place.
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