Australia ranks fifth in hacking
Date: March 18, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Australia is in the the top source of hacker attacks in the Asia-Pacific region because threats to steal information from computers, including banking and credit card, have risen, says thecouriermail.news.com.
Anti-virus software company Symantec said in its half-yearly report on computer attacks in more than 180 countries, that Australia became fifth in the world for Internet attacks.
Only the US, Canada, China and Japan are above.
The report also found threats to steal confidential information from computers increased by 519% from July to December 2003 over the same period in 2002.
Symantec Australia managing director John Donovan said that rise in attacks was due to the number of vulnerable PCs in Australia and the influence of more advanced viruses.
"We've seen an unprecedented number of attacks on vulnerable computers and unfortunately Australia is generally the first cab off the rank when it comes to daylight computer usage," he said.
"We're generally awake when the viruses are launched and see attacks before countries like America."
Mr. Donovan said although Australia was the top source of hacking attempts in the Asia Pacific, this might simply mean hackers in other countries were using Australian computers as launching pads.

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2005-09-17 19:25:01 - Your site is realy very interesting. Gaane |
2005-09-01 21:56:47 - Good blog Misho |
2005-08-01 15:03:16 - I respect the will and freedom of the... andy |
2004-03-24 15:17:35 - Real hacker's do not crash private owned... -==Th3_R3aper==- |
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