Computer Crime Research Center


Cyber-crime a 'focus' for fraudsters

Date: May 16, 2008

As online identity fraud and theft become more prevalent, internet users have been advised to 'proceed with the utmost caution' when they go surfing.

Equifax, a provider of information solutions, commented that the rise in popularity of social networking sites was one of the ways cyber-criminals were to steal data.

The external affairs director of the company Neil Munroe added that thieves are prepared to go to more 'sophisticated' lengths in order to steal internet users' data.

In 2007 there were 77,500 cases of reported identity fraud in the UK, according to figures compiled by Cifas, a national fraud prevention service.

Mr Munroe said: 'I think that what people will need to focus on more to prevent their ID being stolen is more of the cyber-space activity.'

He added that whether it be through networking sites or phishing attacks and fraudulent emails, users must 'watch out and take some care'.
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