International cooperation in fighting cybercrime
Date: April 16, 2005Source: Computer Crime Research Center
The global world network, which united millions of computers located in different countries and opened broad opportunities to obtain and exchange information, is used with criminal purposes more and more often. The introduction of electronic money and virtual banks, exchanges and shops became one of the factors of the appearance of a new kind of a crime – transnational computer crimes. Today law enforcement face tasks of counteraction and investigation of crimes in the sphere of computer technologies – cybercrimes.
Still the definition of cybercrime remains unclear to law enforcement, though criminal actions on the Internet pose great social danger. Transnational character of these crimes gives the grounds to say that development of a mutual policy to regulate main problems should be a part of every strategy to fight cybercrime.
Undoubtedly, cybercrimes pose great threat to people as any illicit actions. However the extent of this threat, in our opinion, has not been yet understood completely by the society.

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2006-11-21 09:00:58 - drown Berlin... drown Berlin |
2005-11-02 13:33:02 - Thank you for the info! John |
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