Computer Crime Research Center


Fewer companies report losses due to cybercrime

Date: July 14, 2006
By: Bill Brenner

On the surface, the results of the 11th annual CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey are positive, with fewer companies reporting financial loss from data breaches compared to last year. But a majority of companies are still reluctant to report security breaches to law enforcement, suggesting that the survey isn't capturing the full extent of the problem.

The Computer Security Institute (CSI) and the San Francisco Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Computer Intrusion Squad released its 2006 report Thursday after surveying 616 computer security practitioners in U.S. corporations, government agencies, financial and medical institutions and universities. The average loss reported by respondents was $167,713, an 18% decrease over last year's average loss of $203,606.

"This year's survey -- coupled with results from recent years -- suggests that the news within the enterprise security perimeter is good. Respondents tell us that they are keeping their cybercrime losses lower," CSI Director Chris Keating said in a statement. "At the same time, our economic reliance on computers and technology is growing and criminal threats are growing more sophisticated, so we shouldn't overestimate our strengths."
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