Computer Crime Research Center


Korean Cyber Crime Unit Trains Foreign Experts

Date: October 13, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center

Police officers from other countries are coming to Korea to learn about the country’s advanced cyber crime investigation techniques.

A French delegation consisting of computer experts from France’s national police agency and prosecutors' office visited a police agency in Seodaemun, Seoul on Tuesday. They have come to learn about types of cyber crimes, case studies, investigative techniques and operation of the cyber crime center in Korea during their five-day visit.

Earlier this month, some 40 Thai police officers, justice ministry officials and computer experts visited the country to discuss establishing a cyber crime investigation system based on the Korea Cyber Terror Response Center (KCTRC). Early next month, with the cooperation of Interpol, cyber crime investigators from other Southeast Asian countries will come to Korea to receive practical training for two weeks.

Lim Seung-taek, cyber crime director at the National Police Agency, said that Korea is becoming an information technology leader faster than any other country in the world and that the number of cyber crimes around the world is sharply rising. Korea's investigation skills and response systems are among the world’s best, he added. Even the U.S. asked the Korean cyber-crime center for help in February when one of the U.S.'s army units under SPACECOM had its computers hacked. The U.S. already sent the vice chief of the FBI's cyber crime center to Korea earlier this year.

The Korea Cyber Crime Center was established as the Hacking Investigation Team in 1995, transformed into the Computer Crime Investigation Team in 1997 and the Cyber Crime Investigation Team in 1999, until taking its current form in 2002.
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