Computer Crime Research Center


Spammer website shut down by judge

Date: May 13, 2005
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: CCRC staff

Massachusetts Attorney General Tom Reilly filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking to shut down "one of the world's largest spam operations," which sent millions of email messages to consumers trying to sell counterfeit drugs, pirated software, illegal mortgage loans, fake designer watches and pornography.

In a civil suit filed with the court Wednesday, state Attorney General Tom Reilly accused Leo Kuvayev, who has listed a Newton home address, with violating state and federal consumer protection laws by masterminding a global network of spammers who have sent hundreds of millions of e-mail messages directing recipients to websites with names like or

The messages, and the websites, seek to lure consumers into buying low-interest mortgage loans, pirated software, knockoffs of designer watches, pornography, and counterfeit drugs of prescription brand names such as Viagra, Celebrex, Vioxx, Cialis, and Zoloft.

Massachusetts and Microsoft officials said the spammers, whom they dubbed the ''Internet Spam Gang," unleashed the largest volume of e-mail they've seen from one group in what has become an international scourge. In addition to wasting time and disrupting business, they said, the spam has potentially exposed buyers to illegal products and children to hyperlinks that lead to sexually explicit images.
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2006-09-28 04:02:13 - Great new site about sexy teens teen ebony... H
2006-09-25 22:21:44 - The world Nick
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