Computer Crime Research Center


Russia is going to outlaw spam

Date: July 12, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Dmitri Kramarenko

More than 99% of all websites linked in spam messages are based in China, South Korea, the US, Russia and Brazil, a new survey of Commtouch, a company engaged in selling anti spam solutions. Commtouch have analysed hundreds of millions of advertisement messages and they note that about 55% of them come from the USA. 73% of ad messages direct their recipients to websites located in China.

Several huge American ISPs united to create technical recommendation to fight increasing advertisement spam avalanche.

Nowadays legal counteraction to unsolicited emailing has a political sense. Spam causes strongest irritation of every Internet user. From this point, a draft on amendments to Advertisement Law, the Criminal Code, Administrative Code, brought by Moscow department of "United Russia" June 23, will be considered to be efficient no matter will it really limit spammers' activity in Russia.

Spam became a more serious problem. According to some estimation three fours of emails in the Russian Internet are sent by spammers. There is no definition of spam in legal practice. Lawmakers face a problem to foresee many meanings and factors of spam.

A 500,000 of Russian roubles fee (about $170) is stipulated for a spammer, companies may be fined to 1,000 of minimal salaries, officials to 200 of minimal salaries.

Amendments to law provide for up to 2 years of correctional works for unauthorized distribution of messages conducted by a group of people by prior collusion.

Anti spam laws were accepted in USA and many European countries in 2002 - 2004 years. July 12, 2002 Europarliament approved directive on private life and electronic communications destined mainly to limit spam distribution. American anti spam law was signed by the President in December, last year.
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