Computer Crime Research Center


InfoSec Europe 2005 coverage

Date: May 11, 2005
Source: IT observer
By: IT-Observer Staff

With the InfoSec Europe exhibition in London, where more than 300 exhibitors crowded and some 100 products - aimed at end-users, businesses and governments - were introduced, it has been an interesting and busy week for the security community. Here’s IT Observer’s coverage of the exhibition.

New Spyware Defence For Companies

8e6 Technologies &Netdata introduced new spyware defence for companies at the InfoSecurity Show. The product line offered in the UK by Netdata Plus allows network managers to monitor a user's Internet usage in real-time to determine if that user is using the Internet appropriately and block a user's access to “unacceptable” Internet sites.

“We’ve chosen to feature Spyware at this show because we know our customers are still struggling to control it” said Eric Lundbohm, 8e6’s Vice President of Marketing. “A good web filter and web use reporting capability is essential to affectively battling Spyware”

Blue Coat Introduced Spyware Interceptor

Blue Coat Systems, a leading provider of proxy appliances, introduced Spyware Interceptor, built to be the industry’s most effective anti-spyware appliance for networks with 1,000 users or less. Spyware Interceptor is built on Blue Coat’s proxy technology which is backed by the leading experts in web proxy control and security at Blue Coat Labs™, who operate around the clock to track malicious web sites, spyware, nuisance-ware, and other potential sources of security threats.

“Spyware prevention is not possible with desktop software alone – organisations require a gateway solution based on an advanced web proxy architecture to be effective,” said Nigel Hawthorn, European marketing director for Blue Coat."

Kaspersky Lab Secures Business Serve’s Customers

Kaspersky Lab announced today that it has licensed its award winning anti-virus technology to Business Serve plc, one of the UK’s leading converged communications providers). Business Serve will be using the licence to provide secure email capabilities as a value-add service to its 40,000 business customers.

“Kaspersky Lab’s superior technology and competitive licensing model will enable us to continue to offer our customers the very best protection against email borne malware,” commented Martin Molz, Business Serve’s Chief Operating Officer.
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