Computer Crime Research Center


Russia: Insult in the Internet

Date: April 10, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

In Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, a first criminal proceeding was initiated against a senior pupil of a local school for he allegedly insulted his schoolmistress through the Internet, informs "Interfax-Povolzhye", a Russian news agency.

Early in the year, a teenager on behalf of his schoolmistress placed a webpage in the Net offering intimate services. Potential clients began to phone her and she turned to the Department on Fighting Hich Tech Crimes of the regional Office of Internal Affairs. This unit has already fought against hackers and other offenders in the Internet for 2 years.

Officers easily revealed the suspect - a senior pupil of the same school where the aggrieved woman worked. According to preliminary data, the teenager decided to take revenge on the young schoolmistress for excessive, to his opinion, demands.

After a small conversation at the site under the veil of interested clients, officers came to his home and carried out a technical examination of his computer (hard drive and processor). The examination showed irrefutable evidence testifying the guilt of the teenager.

He violated articles 129 "Slander" and 130 "Insult" of the CC of the Russian Federation. The victim put in a personal injury claim. The pupil gave a written undertaking not to leave the place. But it is not so easy. The Department works on many cases of computer crimes. But due to lacks of the homeland law in this area and owing to insufficient computer competence of inbestigators and judges these cases are often closed.

According to the officer of the Department, recently a coordinating meeting of law enforcement officials was held. They made a decision that law experts and officers should in the form of order to complete their special training.
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