Computer crime: information for consideration
Date: March 10, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Computer Crime Research Center published an analytic report on criminal activity in the Internet. Statistics shows increasing number of hack attempts and Internet fraud. Internet crimes become more and more frequent in Ukraine due to introduction of new Internet payment systems and e-commerce. Main goals and motives of computer crimes are as follows: profit - 57.3%, hooligan motives - 18.3%, revenge - 9.2%, commercial espionage or sabotage 10.6%. Men are 5 times more likely to commit computer crimes. The majority of criminals have higher or incomplete higher technical education (53,7%), along with 19,2% of those that have other higher or incomplete higher education. The investigation shows that 31% of criminals at the moment of committing a crime aged beyond 20 years, 55% of them aged within 20 to 40 years and 14% were more than 40 years old.
Another peculiar feature became the data on a certain individual among personnel that might have access to operation of computers or computer systems, due to his functional duties or position occupied. Only in 6% of cases malefactors had no direct relation to victim organizations. In 94% cases employees of companies and organizations committed these violations. Active introduction of Internet based IT was one of the reasons that caused appearance of new virtual transnational criminal groups that widely use opportunities of the global information network for their criminal purposes. More and more signs testify to connection between computer crime and organized crime.
The structure and dynamics of computer crime in various countries essentially differ from each other, but experts mark out general trend that becomes a considerable drag on development of e-commerce. It is Internet fraud which is common for majority of regions. Psychological factor related to understanding the threat of potential fraud is the main obstacle to use Internet in commercial operations. Surveys show that people most of all are afraid of possible personal data leakage while using the Internet. According to VISA payment system about 23% of e-commerce transactions are not performed due to client's fear to input requested personal information at the Internet store website. The Internet Fraud Complaint Center, co-managed by the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center, receives about 75 thousand Internet fraud complaints annually. However, only one of five victims informs law enforcement about crimes.
According to preliminary estimations, annual losses of Ukrainian clients from frauds with their bank accounts reached about $ 300 thousand in 2003. In 2002 it amounted to half. In 60% of cases victims made themselves responsible and did not notify banks and law enforcement. The reason is simple, they did not believe their money would be returned.
Considering of all these trends Office on Fighting Intellectual Property and IT Crimes is working to struggle with this kind of crime in Ukraine. A new specialized unit on fighting crimes in credit cards field will also be created. It will coordinate efforts of banking, law enforcement and judicial systems. A number of special interdepartmental trainings on the basis of large banks are to be held. This will prepare methodical materials on cooperation of bank personnel with law enforcement on prevention and investigation of such offences. This decision is considerable for counteraction to Internet fraud that becomes a considerable drag on development of e-commerce predicted predicted to amount to more than 5% of Gross World Product this year. Avalanche-like rise of public relations, which become apparent in the vast space of the Global Network, demand adequate response of legislators. E-business became a real socio-economic phenomenon that needs legal regulating and protection.
The number of criminal cases initiated under articles 361-363 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is relatively small. However this is explained by high latency of this kind of crime, absence of judicial practice on the given category of crimes. Analysis of cases on computer crimes brought to court shows that correct qualification of computer crime is one of the key moments. This problem solution will favour realization of criminal law principles and, above all, inevitability of penalty for crimes in computer technologies field.

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2010-08-06 20:23:47 - This is a good article, using this as a... Alfredo |
2005-05-27 12:19:50 - Ngi. Is very niiiice Jebidiah |
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