Computer Crime Research Center


Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft

Date: October 08, 2004
Source: El Paso News

dentity theft is on the rise in El Paso, according to Detective Hayes of the El Paso Police Department's Financial Crimes division. There are over 100 new cases reported every month -- and that is by people who actually know they are being victimized.

Identity theft occurs when a thief gets a hold of credit card account numbers, social security numbers, and other personal information, and uses it to open fraudulent accounts. When the bills don't get paid, your credit suffers.

But there are ways you can protect yourself. The US Department of Justice Website has helpful tips on how to help prevent identity theft.

If you believe you have been the victim of identity theft, the Federal Trade Commission Website lists four steps you need to take.

The El Paso Police Department also recommends the Internet Fraud Complaint Center as an additional resource.
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