Computer Crime Research Center


Mother of Israeli hacker held over $1.8m fraud: FBI framed my son

Date: September 08, 2008
Source: Haaretz

The mother of an Israeli living in Canada who has recently been arrested in Montreal on suspicion of committing fraud to the tune of $1.8 million accused on Saturday the FBI of framing her son.

"This is a conspiracy and the FBI is involved in it. A few U.S. bodies made it clear to Ehud that his day would come," said Ehud Tenenbaum's mother, Malka.

"Ehud was never accused of stealing, he works hard at IT security and doesn't have to steal," she added. Advertisement

Canadian media reported on Friday that Alberta police suspect Ehud Tenenbaum and three co-conspirators hacked into the database of a Calgary financial services company.

They then changed the value of the debit cards to an amount higher than their face value.

The four suspects were arrested in Montreal and brought to Calgary on Tuesday.

Tenenbaum has been charged with six counts of fraudulent use of credit card data and one count of fraud over $5,000.
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