Computer Crime Research Center


India to work jointly with Russia to tackle cyber crime

Date: December 06, 2004

India's Cyber Emergency Response Team plans to jointly work with Russia to combat cyber crime, including virus and hacker attacks in their computer networks, a top IT department official said today.

"We are trying to see how best our CERT can work with Russian authorities on Information Security and prevent attacks by virus, worms and hackers," Union IT Department Joint Secretary Madhavan Nambiar said here.

Delivering his address at the Indo-Russian Information and Communication Technologies Cooperation Conference here, Nambiar said the cyber security plan was in the early stages, but CERT had already signed a protocol on e-security with Russia.

He said the three areas of cooperation in the IT domain were software parks, Information Security and Software services.

The Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) was in the process of setting up a software park in Moscow, Nambiar said.

Russian IT Minister Leonid D Reiman invited Indian software service firms to leverage the engineering talent in his country to export software to Europe and the United States.

"We want to retain talent within Russia and Indian companies can work on projects in our country for customers in third countries like Europe and America," he said.

Reiman said the Russian IT industry team, which has joined President Vladimir Putin's delegation, was keen to learn about the success of India in the software sector and replicate it in their country.

"We want to learn from the experiences of the Indian software industry and replicate it in a similar scale in Russia," said Reiman, adding that there were Indian firms working with Russian engineers to build software, but on a smaller scale. "Russian engineers are quite capable of doing high end R&D work and this has been proven by the fact that Russian specialists are working around the world. We want to take advantage of the advancement in communication to retain them here and develop projects," he said.

He said Russia was investing enormous resources in computerisation and e-governance which offered opportunities to Indian firms.

Reiman hoped that an Indo-Russian IT pact would be signed in the next few years to accelerate the IT cooperation between the two nations.
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2005-02-02 14:55:24 - The news of "The Software Technology Parks... A.Vincent
2005-01-17 05:02:23 - Indias decision to co-operate with Russia... Rays John Koshy
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