Computer Crime Research Center


Students Arrested For Illegal Internet Access And Information Theft

Date: October 06, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

Three first-year students from Baranovichi (Brest Region, Byelorussia) and graduating pupil of local gymnasia were using illegal Internet access having a password of the manager of one Brest’s company during 3 years.

According to Brest Police Department, in August the victimized manager informed police that someone uses his password and identities for Internet access from October, 2002 to August, 2004.

Criminal Investigation committed by officers of High Tech Crime Department of Byelorussia has lead to ascertainment of the fact of illegal Internet Access. Three first-year students and graduating pupil of local gymnasia have got an illegal access to PC of the Company using a special program and have stolen computer information, including passwords and identities of users.

In result of preliminary investigation Law Enforcements initiated 7 criminal cases: 4 – for illegal access to computer information; and 3 – for misappropriation of computer information.
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2005-07-30 04:29:40 - excellent! How can someone report... Michael
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