50% of porn sites come from former USSR
Date: March 06, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Experts state that porn comes to the Internet mainly from CIS countries (former UUSR countries). It is about 50% of all porn websites.
ECPAT International, an international organization on struggling with commercial sexual child exploitation has made such conclusion.
ECPAT Executive Director Carmen Madrinan during international seminar held in Kiev informed that they have no data on Ukrainian porn websites in the Internet. Madrian explained that it is quite difficult to identify authors of such sites.
Scale of child porn production and spreading has increased significantly. Such trend is conditioned by improvement of computer technologies.
Carmen Madrinan notes that the number of people engaged in child porn in future will grow. Porn business will involve not only children engaged violently or directly suffered from sexual abuse, but also children that simply use the Internet.
"A child may send his photo to a friend by email, then these photos will be edited and used by porn dealers", Executive director said.
According to Carmen Madrinan, it is necessary to coordinate national laws under international standards in order to fight child porn spreading successfully.
In particular an introduction of criminal liability for possessing porn image and spreading of pseudo pornography (combined images) is needed, she noted.
Child porn is one of the main types of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Child prostitution, child trade, early marriages and child sex-tourism (cases when tourists induce children to have sex with them during visit to one or another country) are the main kinds of child porn determined by the Congress against sexual exploitation of children held in 1996.

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2008-09-27 15:39:29 - i love 50+ porn chris burley |
2004-03-12 01:21:21 - For those interested in the latest tools... Robert Guinaugh |
2004-03-11 17:00:32 - I love porn bob |
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