Cyber crime still an enigma for cops
Date: January 06, 2009Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Cyber crimes present an enigma for most city police officials. State
government had earmarked a specialised cyber
crimes cell and allotted it to city crime
branch for detection of online crimes.
But, new amendments in Information Technology Act have added to troubles of police. "Earlier an officer of the rank of ACP was to be investigating officer because cyber crime require expertise. Now, amendments ensure that even a police inspector can fulfill this role. Without proper training, this move is bound to have a detrimental impact on cyber policing," said a senior police official.
In police force, where most officials are not conversant with latest technology, one has to look forward to recently-proposed cyber crime cell, that will work under guidance of city crime branch.
"We are past our prime. This is not an age when we can work with laptops and PDAs. I even fumble with my latest mobile phone. It is time to educate the newly-recruited brigade of constables, so that they can do wonders when they rise up in hierarchy," said an assistant commissioner of police on the condition of anonymity.
Even senior officials are stumped when it comes to handle crime of cyber world. "What would you do if a person comes to you and says that he was harassed on a website based in US? Cyber space is beyond physical boundaries. The solution lies in co-operation between nations to curb the menace," said an IPS officer.
In such an environment, city cyber cell is still under construction hopefully a single window for all online crimes. Usha Rada, assistant commissioner of police, who had worked on several cyber crimes in 2008, told TOI that the cell will start functioning in two months.