Computer Crime Research Center


Obama's top cybersecurity director resigns

Date: August 05, 2009
By: Michael Tanji

The White House’s acting “cyber czar” just resigned, with no permanent replacement in sight. Which is just fine. We can make more progress on the network security front without such a “czar.”

For starters, we’ve had reasonable facsimiles of cyber czars before — to little effect. The studies have been done, the list of tasks complete, yet we continue to fail year after year.

Second, the cyber czar, like most actual royalty in the world these days, is destined to be more figurehead than Sun King. He (or she) would have no power of service providers or industries that are both the underpinnings of cyber space and the victims of online assaults. Despite grandiose claims to the contrary, the government has very little direct impact on how safe national resources are online.

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