Computer Crime Research Center


Homeland Security Officer arrested in child porn sting

Date: April 05, 2006

A high-ranking public relations official in the US Department of Homeland Security was arrested Tuesday night at his home outside Washington for allegedly soliciting sex from a police officer posing over the internet as a 14-year-old girl.

Deputy press secretary Brian Doyle, 55, faces charges of using a computer to seduce a child and transmitting harmful material to a minor, the Cable News Network (CNN) reported.

A police detective in Florida had pretended to be a teenage girl in internet communications.

The sheriff's department in Polk County, Florida said that during the investigation Doyle identified himself, said that he worked for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and provided telephone numbers for his government office and official cell phone.

A department spokesman issued a statement promising full cooperation in the investigation.
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2006-05-02 11:08:33 - that some bull**** jo
2006-04-22 16:23:50 - There is no one who will argue that child... JEEEZZZZ
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