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Discussion : Man Charged With Internet Crime

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2010-03-17 12:19:56 - Truth
State dismisses 16 felony charges Mar 17, 2010 ... Darryl Berenson, 46, was accused by sheriff's

This article says it all, just cut and paste the link above.

2010-03-08 19:26:51 - Truth
New update,
After 24 months at 8:40 am on this day 03/08/2010, when the parties were supposed to pick a jury for trial, the state moved to dismissed all charges. It was reported that the state just could not prosecute as they were not able to prove a crime was ever committed. It is a shame that this man and his family had to indure two years of what must have been hell just to be told go home we are done with you.

It is clear that in Highlands County Florida, we are all "Innocent until accused."

2008-11-17 18:11:12 - observer
LAKE PLACID — A Loxahatchee man was free Wednesday on $16,000 bail after he was arrested, accused by his ex-wife of entering her Yahoo e-mail account, removing privileged e-mails between herself and her lawyer and then changing her password.

Darryl Berenson, 44, of Loxahatchee, was booked into the Highlands County Jail on Monday on a warrant on a third-degree felony charge of disrupting or denying computer services to the authorized user.

According to the arrest report, sometime around Oct. 30, Berenson's ex-wife reported the unauthorized use of her Yahoo account.

The victim and Berenson reportedly were in a bitter custody battle over their two children. They had been married 15 years, the report stated.

However, in a conversation with Highlands Today, Berenson said Wednesday, he never did any of these things and that this is just another attempt by his ex to discredit him before a final custody hearing.

He said she and his wife had joint custody until 2007, when a court ruled in his favor during an emergency hearing. Something was going on in her home, that prompted the court's decision, he said.

Berenson said sheriff's investigators have not proven that any of this happened through any computer he and his new wife have. As a matter of fact, he said their computer account is in his wife's name and his children have a computer.

Sheriff's investigators reported that Berenson's ex-wife said she caught him in a conversation where he knew information only discussed in the stolen e-mails.

The victim reportedly showed investigators the unauthorized entries began Oct. 27, a day after the victim sent Berenson her new Yahoo account information.

Berenson said his ex-wife opened that Yahoo address much earlier.

"It was on July 5, she started using the (Yahoo) e-mail address and communicated with me at that time," he said. "I have copies of every communication between my ex-wife and myself."

Investigators reported that records showed that 14 unauthorized entries were made into the victim's account from Berenson's Bell South account, the report stated. Also, two unauthorized entries were made from a person's Advanced Cable Communications account in a apartment directly below Berenson's secondary address, according to the report.

Again Berenson told Highlands Today he has a wireless modem that anyone could have intercepted the signal.

"I don't have a Bell South account, my wife does," he said. "I have an acre and a quarter. If you sit outside on my dirt road, using a Wi-Fi signal interceptor, you can pick that up. The modem acts as a gateway."

Berenson said the secondary address is a Coral Springs condo owned by his wife, they have been trying to sell.

He said a Wi-Fi signal could have been picked up there as well and diverted.

Berenson found it odd that Oct. 27, the date the she reported the signal was intercepted was, the same day his ex-wife was there at his house in Loxahatchee to pick up and drop off their children.

"Why would I do that from my own address?," he asked. "Why wouldn't I do it from McDonalds where they have free Wi-Fi service?"

Berenson reportedly denied the act but detectives say he admitted his lap top computer had the capability to "piggy back" off of someone's Internet account.

He said he never actually met with the sheriff's detective face to face. He said even when he turned himself in at the jail, the detective never showed up to speak with him during his three and a half hours at the jail.

But he remembered that he told the detective over the telephone that that he had a lap top. He didn't tell him he still has a lap top computer.

"The Lauderhill police made an offense incident report that my truck was burglarized in February 2006," Berenson said. "My lap top was stolen. I never replaced it. I never told my ex about it."

Sheriff's investigators reported in a probable cause affidavit, they believed Berenson was trying to get an edge on his ex-wife in the custody battle.

Berenson argued that a court already awarded him custody of the two children and didn't need an edge. He already had the upper hand, he said.

He added that after the court awarded the children to him is when his ex-wife quit her good-paying job and moved to Highlands County with her new husband.

He said a final custody hearing was coming up soon.

"She's trying to bring these allegations as a last-ditch effort in the custody battle," he said. "I've been fighting to protect my children for the last two years."

An update to this, In April 2008 an agreed order was made by both parties that Mr. Berenson would have primary residential custody of the children. It was reported that Mr. Berenson's ex-wife stated under oath that this agreement was in the best interest of the children.

2008-03-11 10:20:49 - Sonya
I'm so sick of internet crimes...I'm a victim of this type of crime as well. We need to push and get legislation passed on this. The public needs to be aware and these internet bullys need to be stopped in their tracks, otherwise it's going to get worse.

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