Ukrainian government to shift state institutions to legal software
Date: March 04, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Ukrainian government continues to appropriate measures on shifting executive power bodies to legal software, Vladimir Dmitrishin, Deputy Chairman of the State Department of Intellectual Property during discussion of development scenarios of Ukrainian software market held by GfK-USM company in frames of Ukrainian software market research carried out by request of Coalition for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR).
According to Dmitrishin, government is now considering a draft of software legalization in state authorities order.
This act regulates definition of state authorities' need for computer software, sets clear order of financing measures on legalizing, provides for necessary funds for legalization and supply of license software copies in budget.
Besides, resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers On the Approval of the Order of Software Use in Executive Authorities stipulates for annual legalization, possibility of unexpected checks of software in executive authorities, determines users' responsibility and other mechanisms of everyday control of copyright observance in executive bodies.
This document was developed in pursuance of Software Legalization and Fighting Software Illegal Use Conception.
According to Dmitrishin, realization of these regulations "will help government to be an example for other software users on issues of copyright observance".

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2005-09-17 16:47:58 - Your blog is realy very interesting. Sany |
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