Computer Crime Research Center


United Nations working group to tackle spam, cyber-crime

Date: November 03, 2004
Source: NEWS TARGET Network


* More than 250 experts wrapped up two days of talks in Geneva November, 1 on the creation of a United Nations working group which could deal with spam, cyber-crime and other Internet-related problems.
* Countries requested the establishment of a UN Working Group on Internet Governance last December during the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which was also held in Geneva.
* The Summit's second part will take place in November 2005 in Tunisia.
* Discussions at this week's meeting centred on the Working Group's mandate and its relationship with other bodies.
* Many participants argued that the Working Group should concentrate on key issues, including spam, cyber-security, cyber-crime, multilingualism, data protection and the management of Internet resources.
* Some stressed that the Working Group should take into consideration the efforts of other international forums dealing with Internet governance.
* Participants also reiterated the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach that would include governments, the private sector and civil society, as well as participants from international and regional organizations dealing with Internet governance issues.
* The next round of open-ended consultations is scheduled for 15 to 16 February 2005, to be followed by the second Preparatory Committee meeting of the WSIS from 17 to 25 February.
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