Phishing and viruses stats
Date: September 02, 2005Source: The Inquirer
It seems our friends the phishers and virus writers take holidays like the rest of us.
According to security outfit Postini, there was a 90 per cent reduction in the number of phishing emails in August and the number of viruses dropped by 30 percent from July.
The figure is taken by comparing the volume of emails in July and analysing their content.
Of the 14 billion emails in August and found that the number of phishing instances totalled to 1,843,272, a 90 per cent decrease compared to July.
We are not sure about these figures though. The virus drop is odd given the fact that the world was gripped by the zotob epidemic.
Mytob and netsky are still the world’s worst email virus in August, according to Postini and zotob doesnt even make it into the top ten. Shurely some mishtake.
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