Cyber-crime experts meet to hatch defence strategy
Date: April 02, 2008Source:
BRUSSELS: Cyber-crime experts from around the world will meet in Europe this week to discuss how governments should counter attacks aimed at crippling the internet and hitting users with data loss, identity theft and fraud.
Taking the lead in the fight against computer-related crime is Estonia, the internet-savvy Baltic country that came under a wave of cyber attacks that paralysed many of its businesses and institutions last year.
A conference by the Council of Europe in France tomorrow and on Wednesday will review the implementation of the Convention on Cyber Crime, the only legally binding international treaty to address online crime.
It will discuss new guidelines for co-operation between police and investigators and internet service providers in the fight against crime in cyberspace.
Separately, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's summit in Romania will debate Nato's guidelines for co-ordinating national cyber defence efforts on Wednesday.
The convention also covers offences involving electronic evidence such as child sexual exploitation, organised crime and terrorism.
As the internet becomes an essential part of daily life across the world, experts from police forces and technology companies Microsoft and eBay will debate possible legal solutions to cyber-related crime and training possibilities.
The challenges posed by cyber crime were different from conventional terrorist attacks because of the fast exchange of data and the vast international reach of computers, said Marco Gercke, a lecturer in computer law at the University of Cologne in Germany.
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