Experts forecast increase in information security market
Date: March 02, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Analysis of different sources allows to forecast significant increase in future displays of cyber criminality. For last 12 months 82% of American companies interrogated by Computer Security Institute faced with problem of computer viruses and dealt damage is estimated of $27,3 million.
It is necessary to draw attention to crimes with credit cards. Experts' estimations show that this kind of crime causes losses up to 10% of all transactions with card accounts all over the world. $703 million of damage falls on international payment system MasterCard, $1,2 billion is for frauds with credit or debt cards VISA.
Employees of 59% companies stole laptops containing valuable information ($6,8 million losses). 42% of companies had problems with computer networks (more than $65 million losses). Valuable information was stolen from data bases of 21% of companies (almost $71,2 million), 15% of companies became victims of financial fraud ($10,1 million).
The most possible way of malware intrusion is the Internet along with email. We depend on the ISP in many respects: antivirus protection and unauthorized access protection systems. Radicati Group research institution forecasts losses caused by viruses will increase up to $75 billion by 2006 year. Today attempts to regulation of the Internet lie only in domain names registration, this problem is not the main though. It is much more important to protect information in the Internet. Scales of information influence in the Internet are concerned with activity of millions of companies and individuals. Protection of their interests is the task of international level.
Due to cyber threats growth, experts expect significant increase in information security market. Many transnational companies already announced that safety in IT field is becoming the priority, also in financial respects too. Anti spam solutions are among best buy lists. Anti virus, systems of intrusion detection are also among widely sold. On the contrary less popular development became systems of authentication and consulting services. IDC research company issued again forecast on IT security market. It says that spending on information security of data bases of American companies will increase by 15-18%. Expenses on equipment and software that allow to detect illegal break in corporative computer networks will increase by 16%. Incomes from products and services of all IT sectors will reach $45 billion by 2006.