Computer Crime Research Center


Cyber crime: Everyone is self responsible

Date: December 01, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

Russian scientists from the Moscow State University, Russian Sciences and the Institute of the Information Society Development together with experts of the World Bank and British Council have presented comprehensive report on the statу of the Information Technologies in Russian Federation. It is clear, Moscow, the most developed region of the country, has been intensively researched by IT-experts and Sociologists.

So, information protection was the most crucial problem for Moscow region. The main conclusion made after the researches was simple: world community have already developed ways and methods of fighting computer viruses, spam, and other Internet misfortunes; and preventing cyber crimes – is the private business of each user, a kind of “computer hygiene” that can not be instilled in a person with the help of legislation or harsh prohibition.

The main difference between researches conducted in Russia and Europe is a level of cyber threats.
The threat of computer viruses is a great headache for Europeans. According to “Decision Markers Survey for business” 90% of respondents in Europe think that computer viruses are the main cyber threat. Data theft, online fraud and illegal access to the corporate networks bother about 15% respondents. Such misfortune as spam is not mentioned by respondents.

Moscow users appeared more vulnerable before spam: 66,7% of the large and medium companies and almost 25% of small businesses. Network warm and Trojans disquiet 60% of the Moscow Internet users. The threat of illegal access and information theft are still exotic for Russians. Only 4% of respondents specified this threat.

The technical illiteracy of Russian users is shown by the fact that only 3% of the companies’ staff passed trainings or courses on the computer and information security. For the comparison, this figure is 80% in Europe.

71,6% Moscow Internet users have antivirus software installed on the computers; 26,7% have anti-spam filters; only 12% use encrypting tool for transferring information.
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