Russian Courts Attack On-line Libraries
Date: April 01, 2005Source: Computer Crime Research Center
Maxim Moshkov, owner of the biggest and most popular in Russia on-line library lib.ru, has been found guilty of breaching copyright law. On March 30, 2005 the Ostankino court of Moscow found counterfeit his making use of writer Gevorkyan's book, ruled to exact payment of 3,000 rubles (1 dollar equals 27.8 rubles) as a compensation and banned the site's use of the book. This is reported by the crime-research.ru site.
Thus, an important precedent has been created in the struggle against on-line piracy. It will have a great impact on other trials initiated by title owners against owners of Internet sites.
In the last six months, Russian courts of other instances have many times taken the side of title owners. For instance, the on-line library aldebaran.ru and the education portal edu-all.ru have lost actions. At the present moment, several suits are in preparation against well-known Internet resources and sites which, despite the courts ruling, continue illegal activities.

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