Computer Crime Research Center


Ukrainian government to shift state institutions to legal software

Date: April 01, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Ludmila Goroshko

March 24, 2004, inured the Order for Software Use in Executive Authorities, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, September 10, 2003, No #1433, enured. Under this Order, executive authorities should purchase exclusively licensed software or use freeware programs, press service of the State Committee of Intellectual Property informed.

All licensed copies must be provided with documents that prove legality of their use according to license or proving its belonging to freeware.

An information technology unit should be created in all executive authorities, empowered to check availability and validity of computer software licenses. At that, employees of these authorities should be restricted to install computer software on their own and to use it without permission of the information technology officer.

This Order, amongst other things, stipulates for check-ups of lawfulness of computer software use in executive authorities and its annual inventory draw up until April 1.

The results of systematic inventory draw up should be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science till April 1 annually and in accordance with a set form requested by the Ministry. An extraordinary inventory check may be initiated by the decision of the head of the executive authority.

According to Vladimir Dmitrishin, Deputy Chairman of the State Department of Intellectual Property, computer software inventory is necessary for efficient legalization because each authority, in accordance to the results of the inventory, gives the list of computer programs to be legalized.

According to the Order for Software Use in Executive Authorities and to results of the inventory, executive authorities will conclude contracts on legalizing computer software with software developers.
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2004-04-29 03:18:16 - wow deepness that's like,deep samus
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