Computer Crime Research Center

Cyber Crime Conference Summary

Date: May 30, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

ZAPORIZHZHYA (CCRC) - May 26-28, an International Scientific Practical Conference "Problems of Counteracting to Computer Crime" took place in a conference hall of Zaporozhye State University. The conference organized by the Computer Crime Research Center, World Anticriminal and Antiterrorist Committee (WAAF), Zaporozhye State University, with support of TraCCC (Washington D.C., USA).

Experts discussed the following topics:
- Problems of fighting computer crimes.
- Problems of fighting and preventing cyber terrorism.
- Problems of protecting intellectual property rights and
- Criminal legal problems of information security.

Scientists, lecturers of leading Ukrainian universities and guests from Russia, Republic of Belarus and Republic of Moldova. Valeri Savin, Rector of the Zaporozhye State University, Professor, Doctor of physical and mathematical science, addressed to all participants of the conference with a welcome speech.

WAAF was represented by Deputy WAAF Chairman, academician, rear-admiral, Victor A. Tarasov and Deputy WAAF Chairman, colonel-general, Nikolai A. Sytniuk.

In his report, Victor A. Tarasov, outlined the necessity of cooperation between law enforcement and corresponding public bodies to fight organized computer criminality and cyber terrorism.

Tarasov says that the main aspect in such activity is training skilled cadres, upbringing of Internet users culture and correspondence of the current law with international rules of fighting virtual crimes.

Deputy WAAF Chairman, Nikolai Sytniuk paid attention to political aspects of terrorism and organized criminality, motivation of committing such crimes.

Organizational issues of fighting computer criminality and cyber terrorism were reviewed by CCRC Director, Dr. Vladimir Golubev. He paid attention to the importance of international collaboration in fighting computer criminality, the necessity of legal regulation of problems of counteracting to this kind of crime, and also he told about CCRC work in these directions.
Dr. Natalia N. Akhtyrskaja, Researcher of the Computer Crime Research Center (CCRC), candidate in Law, Chairman of Department of Theoretic Disciplines of Judges Academy of Ukraine performed a report on organization of work to protect computer information and networks in government and municipal bodies.

Edward V. Ryzhkov, The Chairman of the Information Technology Criminal Investigation of Donetsk Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine devoted his speech to counteraction to computer terrorism by forces of operational search units.

A report "Problems of revealing sexual offences against children on the Internet" of the CCRC administrator Timofey Saytarly kindled a particular interest.

Dr. Okhrimenko A. Sergei (Republic of Moldova), Professor of Economic Cybernetic and Information Science sub-faculty of Moldavian Economic Academy, Doctor of Economics reported about threats posed by processes of authentication in information systems.

Materials of the conference will be published on the Russian CCRC website and in collection of scientific works of CCRC September 2004.

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